The fixtures in your kitchen and bathroom, including your faucets, have a certain lifespan. When they are nearing their lifespan, you are most likely to experience all sorts of problems with them. In some instances, even if they are fairly brand new, you may still tend to have issues with your faucets. This article lists down some common household faucet problems that you may encounter.
Leaky Faucet
One of the primary household faucet problems that you may encounter with the fixtures in your kitchen or bathroom is a leaky faucet. Leaky faucets are not only bad for the planet because of the water being wasted, but they can also damage your washer. Apart from being annoying, a leaky faucet can also cause you a significant amount of money, which is why you need to have this problem addressed immediately. Rest assured that when you need the experts to come for a leaking tap repair, all you have to do is to call their emergency services. For sure, there will be a seasoned and reliable plumber who will be ready to help you in no time.
Low Water Pressure
Another common household faucet problem is low water pressure. It can be quite frustrating to turn on your faucet only to have meagre drops of water coming out. More often than not, this is common in faucets that have aerators around their opening, which tend to get blocked over time. Thus, the water flow is slowed down and the pressure is lowered. Just keep in mind that while this is common to older faucet models, you may also want to check if you have any clogged or leaky pipes which can also cause this issue.
No Water
One of the most serious issues when it comes to common household faucet problems is no water coming out. In this case, the valves or inner chambers of the fixture may be causing the problem. While you have the option of replacing the faucet yourself, it is still a better idea to get help from professional plumbers who have the right tools to quickly repair or replace your fixtures.
Rusty and Stains
Most of the faucets in the past were not rust-proof, which means that over time, rust may develop both inside and outside the fixture. The bad news is that the rust that develops inside the faucet can affect the quality of water coming out from it. Apart from rust, stains can also appear on the outside of your faucets. The latter is quite common for households being supplied with hard water. The best remedy for this is to clean your fixtures frequently with gentle cleaning products or go for rust-proof fixtures instead.
The Bottomline
The common household faucet problems listed above are only some of the ones that you are most likely to encounter. You may experience a different problem though with more contemporary fixtures that have smart features. Rest assured that whichever problem you may encounter, there will always be a ready and available seasoned plumber who will be able to help you with your needs. Check out 5 Star Plumbing for more